Maintain good mental health can be hard to do during a pandemic, and contrary to what some may think, it isn't even close to over, so I've gathered a bit of advice as well as other things to help you cope during these difficult times.
First, here is a video of some celebrities talking about mental health...
Here are some more videos by the Child Mind Institute Of some celebrities speaking out...
Perrie Edwards:
Nicole Scherzinger:
Julia Michaels: Octavia Spencer: Reese Witherspoon:
Emma Stone:
And finally, for more videos by the Child Mind Institute, you can follow them on any social media.
I really find their videos helpful, whether it’s there celebrity videos or their videos by professionals giving advice on different mental health topics, and even though it is aimed toward parents and talks about kids, the truth is it can help anyone!
If you have any sort of social media, another account I think you should follow is Psychology Today. They are so much more than just a magazine, they post very helpful tips on mental health. View the pictures below to see what I mean.
How would have thought they'd live to see a pandemic? Not me. These times can be so stressful for a number of reasons, but I'm writing this to help you cope, so here are a few things you can do to drastically help your mental health...
Maintain at least a little bit of a schedule-- Make sure you are getting enough sleep and etc.
Take breaks from your work or other activities.
Take care of yourself physically-- Eat healthily, exercise, etc.
Keep in contact with others-- Write people letters, video chat, text, or call.
Find new coping skills!
Here is a list of easy coping skills and self-care activities you can do while staying safe:
Write, draw, paint, photography, color
Play an instrument, sing, dance, act
Take a cold shower or a bath (This is scientifically proven to work)
Take a walk, or go for a drive
Watch television or a movie
Watch cute kitten videos on YouTube
Play a game
Go shopping
Clean or organize your environment
Take breaks
Talk to someone you trust
Write letters to people you care about
Video chat with friends/family
Write a note to yourself
Serve someone in need
Care for or play with a pet
Encourage others to social distance and wear a mask
Make a gratitude list
Brainstorm solutions
Lower your expectations of the situation
Write a list of goals
Write a list of pros and cons for decisions
Reward or pamper yourself when successful
Write a list of strengths
Accept a challenge with a positive attitude
Exercise or play sports
Catharsis (yelling in the bathroom, punching a punching bag)
Get enough sleep
Eat healthy foods
Get into a good routine
Eat a little chocolate
Limit caffeine
Deep/slow breathing
Pray or meditate
Enjoy nature
Get involved in a worthy cause
Drop some involvement
Prioritize important tasks
Schedule time for yourself
Remember that if things get too bad, you can always talk to a professional or check in to a mental hospital near you. This is something that is highly stigmatized, but THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO SHAME IN DOING IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been in a mental hospital twice as a patient and it was strange but it was helpful to me, and now I'm perfectly healthy and doing great. Sometimes it is what you have to do and if some people don't understand that, then screw them, they aren't the people you need to be around.
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