This entire post is going to be mainly about Trump...
Let's start with this first video. I completely support medical professionals on this one. They need more N95 masks and surgical masks and Trump needs to let factories produce more or otherwise everyone in the medical field is going to quit, and rightly so.
Here is the video:
Frontline nurses protest at the White House
I, personally, love AOC. I think she is great and she always speaks the truth and she is always for the people, not herself, unlike Trump. And she rightly criticizes their bill because we the people are the ones barely holding it together, I understand that businesses are suffering too, but human life is more important and it always will be, so why are they helping businesses more than the people? Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticizes Congress' relief bill
Once again, people are more important, and I know Trump doesn't believe that people are more important than businesses so he isn't going to do anything to help people in poverty, but I like this video so I decided to include it anyway. It is extremely powerful!
A woman talks about the poor to Congress
I think this is a good video, so I'm just going to leave it here... Gov. Gretchen Whitmer answers questions and talks about Trump
I find this to be absolutely outrageous! What the hell is he doing going golfing when people are dying! This only proves how out of touch he is and how little he cares about the American people. He is an idiot! Trump goes golfing during the pandemic
If you haven't already seen this video, you must watch it. It is heartbreaking, really. I think it humanizes immigrants, when usually in the media today they are demonized and made out the be enemy, but that just isn't the case. Immigrants are people like you and me. They are just looking for a better life. There needs to be a humane system, unlike the one we have now. More children face deportation during the pandemic
In my opinion, these people are idiots! If you haven't read my previous posts about COVID-19, please do go and read them. It explains how the "If I get COVID-19 and it's my time to die, it's fine." point of view is selfish because what if you give it to other people? And it talks more in-depth about these idiots. They literally have no reason or proof and they just go with whatever Trump says and the problem with that is that he doesn't even know what the hell he is talking about! Beachgoers aren't concerned with COVID-19
I'm pretty sure everyone has already heard about this, but...
Speaking of him not knowing what the hell he is talking about...
Man dies after following Trump's advice
I don't care what you or anyone else says, this is f***ing xenophobic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S**t like this makes me so angry. "We're in America, we speak English." WE ARE IN F***ING AMERICA, WE ARE A F***ING DIVERSE COUNTRY, WE SPEAK MANY LANGUAGES, YOU B***H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even like the b-word, but that is the ONLY word that suits her. It's idiots like this who are in office. They do this s**t in Trump's name because they know he is prejudice, they freaking like it about him! They worship him, he worships himself, and they are all delusional. That woman is the literal definition of the word Karen. Goodness sake, that is just so wrong of her. If I were to ever meant anyone like that, you better arrest me now. Trump supporter harrassed Latinxs at a park
Yet thing Trump as ruined, the first being America, not that American was perfect to begin with, but you get my point. He has no regard for history or people. This is so sad. I bet it was an amazing sight to see before the wall destroyed it. And the thing is, a wall won't even help keep people out, most undocumented immigrants come to America by plane for education and then once they are supposed to go back to their country they suddenly "disappear," at least that is what my history teacher said... Sacred native burial sites destroyed by Trump's wall
I'm not going to say much about this, you already know how I feel, but if he starts regulating Twitter, it only proves that he is fascist, and I already know he already is, (I'll talk about that more another time), but I think it would open the eyes of some people that he needs to be out of office... Trump Vs. Twitter
He is such a racist liar! Make sure you click through all of the videos. It is absolutely outrageous! He is so Fascist! All he does is promote hatred among Americans and I write this blog because I will not sit silently while it happens! He is a narcissistic Karen who doesn't need to be in office. Trump says MAGA loves black people