Cover photo credits to @hitlivingfoundayion on Instagram! Post link below...
It makes me so furious every time a life is lost because of pure hatred and ignorance.
Above is the link to an Instagram video by Now This News about George Floyd.
If you do not follow Now This News on Instagram or any other social media platform, I highly recommend it.
This video is of a witness to the incident and it is absolutely heart-wrenching. This woman had to watch this man die. This incident is absolutely outrageous and should not have happened at all.
Above is a video of George Floyd's friend explaining how big of a loss this truly is for humanity. This was a great guy. He did NOT deserve this! He did not instigate anything, he was a victim in yet another hate crime and I'll be damned if those police officers do not end up in jail, where they should be.
This link is a link to another photo and video on Instagram.
I want to point out that not only did he not struggle against the police and warn them that he couldn't breathe, but also there was ABSOLUTELY no reason for that police officer to be kneeling on his neck like that!
If you have any doubt that this is because of racism, think again, I beg you.
How many incidences have you seen of white men being ruthlessly shot or wrestled down by police?
And even if it weren't racism, something still has to change. It is like every month we have a new person being murdered in cold blood by police.
What is it that these policemen think it is okay for them to take an (undeserving) life? Do we give them too much power or something, is that it? Are they having a power trip?
I don't know, but I do know that it needs to end.
One time, when I was in high school, a police officer came in and spoke to my class.
The purpose of this visit was to teach us those police officers are people too, that they have bad moods like everyone else (although most people don't take their bad moods out on other people, that is what you call abusive), but when it came time for the officer to answer questions from us, I asked, "Do police officers get training on how to interact with people?" His answer was no.
Maybe that is what they need. I mean, it is better than doing nothing like the government has been doing lately.
This is a video also provided by Now This News that talks about the protests following George Floyd's horrendous murder.
People are rightly furious, however, some (not all) have been taking things way too far. I understand the anger-- Hell, I'm furious as heck-- but you also have to understand that there is a better way of running things than resorting to violence as the police have.
The resistance is better off with you alive and well.
Once again, I understand the frustration even though I'm one of the more privileged people who benefit from this way of living because the police are supposed to protect you and your rights, not shoot you for the slightest offense, beat you to a pulp, or suffacate you.
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