I am now starting a chain of news articles about the latest news I find about Black Lives Matter. Here is the latest...
I have found many disturbing videos by @shaunking on Instagram. For today's news update I am dedicating this post to his finding.
WARNING: Some of these videos are graphic or unsettling.
These videos prove that the police are out of control. They are hurting people for the sake of it and with any luck and justice, many of these officers will have lawsuits on their hands.
These first two videos are of the result of a young, teenage boy who was peaceful protesting for George Floyd, being hit in the head by a sniper shooting rubber bullets in Austin, Texas. His name is Brad Levi Ayala... https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6Trwzn8hV/?igshid=nqfm4pz3berd
This video is of the NYPD brutally attacking protests on the streets despite everyone being on their knees with their hands up.
In the caption of this video Shaun King explains that a man named David McAtee and nicknamed ”BBQ man,” was killed by police in Louisville after feeding protesters and his body was left on the streets for an entire twelve hours before they finally go him off the streets. Absolutely outragous and disrespectful.
This is a picture of him:

This next video takes place in Chicago. It’s a video of Malcolm London (in the yellow hoodie) being beaten by the police. He is now apparently in jail for assaulting a police officer when they were the ones assaulting him. https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5yr1nHiv7/?igshid=17d33lr6ohpdx
This video is of police in Miami bruitally “enforcing curfew” on a innocent man hours before curfew.
In Denver police pelleted tea gas at a man and his pregnant wife, and when he gets on to talk to them, they do it again.
This post is about a 16-year-old boy in Austin who was shot in the head by police. Click on this link to view the before and after photos...
This video was taken in Pensylvania. It’s of a police officer kicking a person who was already on the ground and obviously posed no threat. https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3BhGnHzmq/?igshid=1qqvb290u4scp
In California a women was shot down by police using rubber bullets. She was shot a close range in the head, but thankfully she is alive in well. She did nothing to provoke the police, witnesses say. Unbelievable. I am disgusted.
In Sacramento a man was shot in the face with a rubber bullet. This video is of another man carrying him to safety.
This video is of a police officer throwing up a white power sign.
This is another officer pulling down a peaceful man’s mask only to spray him in the face.
This is a video of tanks going through a neighborhood and police firing at people for litterally nothing on their own front porch.
This is a video you must watch for yourself. it shows that the brutality is nationwide.
An officer pepper sprayed a CHILD in the face for no reason at all.
To brighten your mood and give you hope, here is a beautiful video that you mush watch for yourself...
Here is an amazing speech...
Video these pictures for more news: